Renters insurance is a smart choice regardless of how much you own. You may feel as if you don’t own anything expensive enough to insure. However, nothing could be further from the truth. If you lose a PC, cell phone, clothing, or furniture, you will still need to replace these items, regardless of the cost. You can purchase renters insurance in amounts compatible with the value of your belongings. Our Milwaukee, WI team at Dern & Company can answer all of your questions regarding renters insurance.
What Does Renters Insurance Cover?
In short, renters insurance covers damage to your items in your apartment, condo, or rented home. If your items are damaged by broken pipes or some other external issue. However, renters insurance also covers damage or loss that results from theft, some natural disasters, and bodily injuries that occur on your rented property. This can include damage to your furniture, clothing, and electronic devices, in addition to injury to people who may visit your home.
Additional Coverage
Renters insurance can be quite expensive. It can also cover your stay at a hotel if your home is uninhabitable for a period of time. Coverage for court costs and other legal issues can be covered as well. It’s best to choose coverage amounts that are compatible with the value of what you currently own.
Talk to an Agent
When in doubt, ask. It’s best to get your guidance from one of our Dern & Company team members who can provide precise information for any and all of your questions. Give us a call with your questions. We’re here to educate and answer your questions as well as guide your decision-making process when it comes to renters insurance. One of our agents can discuss the benefits of certain coverage to help you decide what you need and don’t need. We can also talk about additional coverage that may protect you in other ways as well. Renters insurance protects your belongings and valuables both in your home and away from your home.