If you are renting an apartment you may think that your dwelling is covered by your landlord’s insurance. This is often not the case, and many renters do not discover this fact until it is too late. Rather than hope that nothing bad happens to your belongings, why not gain the peace of mind that comes when you have adequate renters insurance? If you are living in the greater Milwaukee, WI area and do not have any insurance to protect your possessions you are living with an avoidable risk! The team at Dern & Company is here to provide the information you need to determine the right rental insurance policy to meet your needs.
When you have an appropriate rental insurance policy you will have protection for:
- Personal belongings that are lost or damaged due to a catastrophic event at your place of residence
- Burglary or theft of your possessions from your home
- Off-premises damage, loss or theft of any items that are included on your rental insurance policy
Your landlord’s insurance will likely cover any damage to the structure itself or any common areas throughout the building. The contents of your unit will likely not be covered by such a policy and you will be responsible in the event of their loss. Your local insurance agent can provide a quote for a range of policy options to help you determine which type and level of coverage best suits your needs. Don’t wait until disaster strikes to find out that you don’t have the coverage that you need!
Don’t leave your belongings at risk for damage, theft or loss! Contact your Milwaukee, WI team at Dern & Company today to learn more about how the right rental insurance policy can protect you!